+27 87 150 8971
Summary of our services:
We offer synergistic security services and solutions which assist our clients in identifying areas of cyber security risk and solving them in a strategic manner.
Our end to end cybersecurity portfolio is complimented by a team of industry experts who offer flexible assistance through ad-hoc, project or ongoing managed services.

Security Consulting
Security consulting services are available to our clients via an on demand, semi permanent or permanent basis and can be utilized to fulfill the following roles:
Confused about what to secure or where your IT security budget should go?
Unsure about technology or vendor choices and how to keep up with compliance regulations?
Have too many products that aren't working together?
Struggling with slow detection and response times?
Let us make things easier for you!
The cybersecurity consultancy team can perform security audits on individual or multiple components of the following technology areas:
Firewalls and Logging
Endpoint Protection
Web Application Firewalling
General Network Security
Design Implementations
The audits are done at both a high and low level and will benchmark each component against industry best practices and security frameworks and will provide clear risks, recommendations and remediation action items.
How are you preparing your business for POPIA enforcement in July 2021?
We love that you have taken advantage of cloud and collaborative tools, but....
How are you controlling your data on these public platforms?
Are you protecting your employees from accidently exposing the wrong information?
Data protection doesn't have to be expensive or complicated. Proof of concept in under 24 hours!
Whether your applications reside in the cloud, on premise or are deployed in a hybrid model they require advanced security mechanisms that can protect against various attacks and threats on a daily basis. Standard port filtering via perimeter firewall devices no longer satisfy the security requirements and instead advanced inspection techniques backed up by application awareness and machine learning are needed to defend against misconfigurations, vulnerabilities, exploitations and denial of service threats.
Our web application firewall products are capable of offering cloud and on premise protection through a scalable and agile management plane with flexible pricing models offering protection regardless of deployment size.
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Remote access has been thrust further into the forefront and many customers are scrambling to find operationally effective ways to connect their employees to their corporate applications. With the drive to cloud many believe this may no longer be necessary, but cloud hosted should not automatically mean internet accessible.
We do not believe in traditional remote access anymore and neither should you. Zero trust access is a security principle that has been praised and being adopted by security conscientious companies around the world.
Our zero trust remote access services allows our customers to:
Connect to their applications irrespective of location (cloud or private) without dialing into a gateway
Applications are never exposed to the internet and therefore never available to be attacked
No VPN gateway exists which removes another common attack vector
No dial-in from the end user, which improves user experience and operational complexity
Granular flexible policies based on items like user, group, location and security posture / compliance
Cloud managed and provisioned for central management and control